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From the start of this year I knew that I wanted to do something different from what I have done in the past. One thing that has always interested me is expression through facial and body language, that you can create a story without saying what the story is. I knew creating a film without dialog could be a challenge to do but sometimes pushing yourself is the best way to go.

While focusing mainly on visuals I needed a story that would allow for this while also clearly displaying what it was about. I knew that I wanted to play around with different styles of genre in film with got me to the idea of tricking my audiences into believing that the film is a different genre then it really is through the conventions known. Creating a film with a romantic genre feel seemed like one of the best ways to do this as it’s something that almost everyone will know and is something that can be displayed visually.

I came across the film In the city of Sylvia, which ended up playing a big part in my overall project. Around the middle of this film you are treated to about 8 minutes of dialogue free stretch. You could take these parts away from the rest of the film and you still would have a story. Emotions are displayed so perfectly through the way the characters act. The smiles and long full eyes, you can see the connection the two have without a word needing to be heard. The lack of dialog makes it all seem more intimate we don’t need to hear what they say because their bodies and movement say thousand words. This is the feeling I want to create in the first half of my film I want it to be intimate, that the audience create an connection between the love shown not said. 

This scene also went into the development of my story. There are times when the girl looks almost uncomfortable with this guy following her something that is always in the public eye. We live in a world where women are always shown to have an unrealistic idea of what they should look like or that they are only there for man to admire. But men have the same issues and while it isn’t shown as much or doesn’t happen as often don’t mean it doesn’t happen. My film aims to look at why love is unknown in the way it works, as what seems nice and innocent isn’t always the case. I also mean to take the idea of the damsel in distress and why this can’t apply to man.

My story: : Secret Love is a story that focuses on the thin line between love and obsession. The story looks at the meeting of two strangers and the relationship that builds between the two. Playing on the idea of love at first sight and whether anything is ever as it sees.


YouTube. 2017. Escena caótica - YouTube. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 20 January 2017].

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